Como Enamorar A Una Chica That Has Boyfriend

One of our friends subscribers made us the following question: do can use the advice of the school of seduction in a girl that maybe has a boyfriend to love it and to even leave her boyfriend to come with me? Dear friend: the specific answer to your question is if. But before singing victory it is worth remembering that there is a code of ethics in the art of seduction, and this establishes not walk the world flying bride to all mortals. This is only justified if the girl you really want for a serious relationship and you think it may be the true love of your life. In this case, nobody has the right to steal happiness, not even her boyfriend. If after thinking about it seriously you’ve come to the conclusion that Yes worth, my recommendation is that you avoid at all costs expressing derogatory comments to prove you’re better than your boyfriend or that he is not good enough for her.

In doing so only achieve that she interpreted it as you feel envy by her partner, with which he grow while you literally you You derrumbas before his eyes. Instead I gave provided that you think he is the right man for her. Imagine the effect that has the say: John is the ideal man for it, it is a good man, one hundred percent dedicated to work. I honestly admire it because I cannot be so, I like the contact with people, extreme sports, adventure and travel. In the previous example, you are expressing admiration for her boyfriend, so you don’t envy nor are you trying to minimize it. But you are placing it in a context that makes it seem boring and cold, whereas you exhibes great Alpha qualities that are extremely attractive to most women. At the unconscious level she compared him to you and you will find much more fun and interesting.

After having planted that seed should say: why it is better to have for boyfriend to a man like him and not to a man like you and me we could never be together, we are too different, it wouldn’t. Well, now that she has compared with its boyfriend is you’re best, suddenly you get hard and you become a challenge. When you say you and I could never be together she begins to wonder why not? After this you will notice that your preference towards you grows. To the point of leaving her boyfriend to be with you. Posted by: Arthur web site: Blog: original author and source of the article