Boiler Swap

According to the initiative of natural gas per environment”it was rarely as attractive as it is today to say goodbye to his old boiler. There are money under the condition that solar heat is used and the old oil or gas appliance without condensing technology works. This is the case for example with many models, are already more than ten years in operation. The welcome bonus is natural gas per environment to owners of boilers over five million according to the initiative. Because many of these devices have reached the end of their life expectancy in the coming period, homeowners should act quickly. There are currently for a modernization of heating with solar support 750 euro grant for the Warmwasserbereining solar 375 euro. However, the State promotes the purchase of the collectors.

Who also wants to burn the Sun, gets an additional 105 euros per square meter installed collector area, who want to prepare only warm water, gets to 60 euros. Many utilities also support the exchange of oil boilers for energy-saving GasBrennwertgerate. The specialists tell more about the funding opportunities.